Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Birds and Organizational Fields

Have you ever seen a flock of small birds moving in unison, displaying incredible speed, grace, beauty, and unity?  All of them, sometimes dozens or more, moving as one holistic unit, clearly guided by an unseen "field", or means of instantaneous communication and inter-awareness?

My family and I happened to witness this phenomena recently, while driving on a rural highway amongst rolling fields of corn.  In this particular case, the flock eventually broke off into two individual groups, continuing to display coherence and unity within, and between, each group.  The movements themselves appear as a sort of poetic dance, following some sort of inherent or intuitive and beautiful flow pattern.

Witnessing such phenomena reminds me of the coherence and unity of the human body.  I imagine how the same kind of instantaneous communication happens among the myriad cells, tissues, and organs of the body, via unseen organizational fields.  I am reminded of the Tufts University video showing the "bio-electric signals" of a frog embryo that precede the formation of its head and face:


All kinds of questions come up in my mind when contemplating such biological fields:  How do these fields form?  What kind of energy, and how much, is required for their proper formation and function?  How can they be influenced?  What role might they play in affecting healing and repair or regeneration?  Is there any way to measure them or their activity?  What role do intention and attention play in all of it?

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